“Susana: A Reconstruction” is a devised work following four women as they reconstruct the life and work of Susana Riaño, a fictional Colombian artist and writer, after her disappearance in the late-90s. Using the conventions of documentary theater, “Susana” plays with truth and fiction, memory and meaning, while exploring the history of New York’s feminist art and theater from the 1960s to the 1990s. The piece was developed and given a workshop presentation at Columbia University School of the Arts in May of 2023 under the guidance of Lisa Peterson and Anne Bogart.
Concept and direction by Catalina Beltrán
Dramaturgy: Michael Landes
Aditional dramaturgy: Zeina AlBarkouky
Lighting desing: Yiyuan Li
Bethsabé Caballero
Emily Kleypas
Alexandra Nedved
Rachel Marie Strazza
Production Stage Manager: Hannah Yankowitz